Peeple knead two reed!

What is it with San Francisco people?  Not the Natives, the newbies.

Alledgedly, San Francisco people are the most edu-ma-cated according to various polls and worthless surveys.  Yet when it comes to reading, they dun do it! The excuses are myriad, such as “I was too busy because I was: (surfing porn, cutting my toenails, dealing with windows, eating) while “trying” to read the blog.

Like reading this takes a lot of friggin’ effort?!?

I’ve been online with frens from disparate places such as New York City, Tokyo, Hong Kong and Singapore who read and appreciate this! Cannot tell me that they have lots of spare time to spare!

San Francisco, compared to these cities, is a sleepy burb. So enough with the excuses already! That’s why the title of the blog has been changed.

Just a little…

Absolute BS (sort of)

So on the way back from the Headlands (see previous entry), there was a gently curving road that was fun until we hit this red light.

IMG 0699
It was 5 minutes. I timed it.

Read that sign underneath the signal. FIVE MINUTE LIGHT?!? And no countdown signal or anything!

But it’s there for a good reason since the tunnel you enter after the light has ONE lane.

But it still can use a countdown timer at that friggin’ five-minute light…

Now this is just Wrong wrong wrong!

I went to PacBell SBC Park for a Giants game. We won, yay!

PacBell SBC Park is known for having expensive food, which it does. It also has expensive beer. All kinds of beer. Bud is US$5.00 and everything else (“premimum”) beer is US$7.50. They even had this:

IMG 0682
PBR! Nice…for some

But check out the price!

IMG 0686
Since when has PBR been considered a “premium” beer? Oh yeah, when the hipsters started quaffing it.

Now that’s just plain WRONG! And the US$4.25 is for the bag o’nuts you see there in the pic.

US$7.50 for Pabst Blue Ribbon? Anta BAKA??

Vroom vroom (on two wheels!)

Nope, this is NOT a Mazda advert…
My local Aprilia dealer had their annual Open House today. Besides 10% off all the stuff in the shop (excluding bikes) Aprilia sent bikes for demo rides.
Aprilia makes a big line of sport bikes and scooters. I took out a Scarabeo 500 (!). Big wheels and big engine. The test route was 27 miles. 101 to South City, over San Bruno Mountain to 280 and then back to the shop via 101.
And yeah, it was fun!! But US$6400…

Old Habits

There was an event tonight at San Francisco City Hall to observe the beginning of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month.
And since it was an “Asian” event, there were waaay too many old folks there for the free food and not for the event. Yah, just because they’re short dun mean they can jump the queue!
Malou Nubla was one of the emcees for the event this evening. She should have been one of the draws of the evening. When she got her start doing the early morning traffic report, she was the ONLY reason to get up that early, lah!

Continue reading “Old Habits”

Wasted Day

Nothing like wasting the ENTIRE day waiting for the DHL guy to show up.
Still not here yet. Sheesh.

How to pack up your life?

There was a great line in Heat. Not what you’re in, rather from the movie.
“Don’t get attached to anything you can not walk away from in 30 seconds”.
But how do you do that when you’ve lived in the same place for 10+ years and accumulated 10+ years of stuff? How can you pack up your life and move on after 10+ years in the same place?
Well, you begin by trying to shed bulky furniture. Like big ass desks that never fit in the rooms right because they were THAT big. Fish tanks that have sat empty for years because of my lack of skill in maintaining fish (there’s a lot of that going around). Old tacky lamps that aren’t used anymore. Yatta yatta yatta.
At least my aloe vera plant hasn’t croaked yet, although some of the leaves look a funny shade of green…
Then you go through all your old stuff you haven’t looked at/touched in years. Like old VHS tapes with TV shows on them that are already out on DVD. Old newspapers and journals that were current 5 years ago. Outdated books. Old clothes. Things like that scream “packrat”!
Then, when the time comes to bug out, it won’t be as quick as 30 seconds, but it won’t take as long as over a week, which is how long this clean out is taking…