How to pack up your life?

There was a great line in Heat. Not what you’re in, rather from the movie.
“Don’t get attached to anything you can not walk away from in 30 seconds”.
But how do you do that when you’ve lived in the same place for 10+ years and accumulated 10+ years of stuff? How can you pack up your life and move on after 10+ years in the same place?
Well, you begin by trying to shed bulky furniture. Like big ass desks that never fit in the rooms right because they were THAT big. Fish tanks that have sat empty for years because of my lack of skill in maintaining fish (there’s a lot of that going around). Old tacky lamps that aren’t used anymore. Yatta yatta yatta.
At least my aloe vera plant hasn’t croaked yet, although some of the leaves look a funny shade of green…
Then you go through all your old stuff you haven’t looked at/touched in years. Like old VHS tapes with TV shows on them that are already out on DVD. Old newspapers and journals that were current 5 years ago. Outdated books. Old clothes. Things like that scream “packrat”!
Then, when the time comes to bug out, it won’t be as quick as 30 seconds, but it won’t take as long as over a week, which is how long this clean out is taking…

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