Peeple knead two reed!

What is it with San Francisco people?  Not the Natives, the newbies.

Alledgedly, San Francisco people are the most edu-ma-cated according to various polls and worthless surveys.  Yet when it comes to reading, they dun do it! The excuses are myriad, such as “I was too busy because I was: (surfing porn, cutting my toenails, dealing with windows, eating) while “trying” to read the blog.

Like reading this takes a lot of friggin’ effort?!?

I’ve been online with frens from disparate places such as New York City, Tokyo, Hong Kong and Singapore who read and appreciate this! Cannot tell me that they have lots of spare time to spare!

San Francisco, compared to these cities, is a sleepy burb. So enough with the excuses already! That’s why the title of the blog has been changed.

Just a little…

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