The world famous BMW Museum Featuring cars, motorcycles and engines (marine and aircraft). Part 2

I chose to break this up into two parts because there’s a lot of photos.

The 507 gets a special nod here. Not only because it’s probably one of, if not the most beatutiful BMW ever made, it was a car that helped put BMW on the map in the 1950s. This model was also imported to the USA in small quantities which helped establish the brand there.

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And here’s the Z8, the modern interpretation of the 507.

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It’s a good looking car, but the 507 is better. It has more character and looks like art. The Z8 looks like a car designed by a committee and a wind tunnel

The 02 series was BMW’s first mass market seller and put them on the map. It saved the company and as befitting such an important model, it gets its own space.

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Dig those 60’s lights and colors man!
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This is definitely a form follows function car. It’s not going to win any beauty contests but it drove like a sports car. That you could take the kids to school in and get groceries with.
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…or you could take it rallying. This is the ti version, which meant dual carbs. The standard 2002 had a single carb and the tii had fuel injection. The ti is the rare one.

There’s so much more to see here…need to return.

BMW Museum
Am Olympiapark 2
80809 Munich

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