
Busybody American Leftist

Again from the ULSCMP, this story. Seems Martin Sheen (who plays a “president” on TV) knows what’s best forthe HK people in a letter he drafted on behalf of the terrorist organization PETA:

Hollywood film star Martin Sheen has called on Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa to heed appeals to permanently close the territory’s live animal markets.

In a letter to Mr Tung written on behalf of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), Sheen said the live markets were cruel to animals and caused epidemics, including severe acute respiratory syndrome (Sars).

He said the animals were housed in crowded, filthy conditions.

Sure, cause a ruckus in another country where manners will prevent the people who live there to tell him to “shut the fuck up”.

It’s typical of an American liberal to go somewhere and preach that “I know what’s best for you, do what I say now!”


Conrad in HK has his say here; just wish I was as diplomatic.

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