Saturday’s Senseless Acts of Debauchery (AKA “the weekend”)

This weekend isn’t a “lost weekend” because I remember it. But it ranks close.
One pearl of wisdom that I painfully remembered (around 0330 Sunday AM) was to “never mix alcohol”. That’s not a ban on mixed drinks; instead it’s a ban on mixing types of alcohol. The rule is to stick to one kind of booze for an evening’s carousing because mixing will make you hella sick.
If you drink cocktails, stick with that for the evening. If you drink beer, best to do that all night. Same with wine. But it’s a very VERY bad idea to drink beer for 6 hours then move over to liquor and beer at the same time!
This weekend in San Francisco was Fleet Week. Except Fleet Week is a bit of a misnomer. It’s only five days long this year, but I’d think that “Fleet Work Week” is a bit awkward. Also tomorrow is a fake holiday, Columbus Day which only the government and the banking industry gets off. In theory, it’s a school holiday so kids can check out the ships that are here for “Fleet Work Week”.
The highlight of Fleet Week is the arrival of the Blue Angels. Every year, they do the same show with the same stunts and every year it’s cool! All last week, it was crappy, cold and cloudy. Then on Saturday, it got gorgeous. Blue skies and warm. Perfect timing yes?
I went over to a friend’s place to watch the Blue Angels from his roof with a bunch of other people. Then we watched football and played the “debate drinking game” during the Schwarzenegger/someotherguyrunningforgovernor debate. Then I went to dinner. That whole time was about six hours of beer. One to two an hour. Then around 2300 or so, my friends and I went down to Anu down on Sixth Street near Market. Cool place in a sketchy area. That’s when the mixing began. *shudder*

This, my friends, was a sign of what to drink!!!
I started with a Guinness. But somehow drum n’ bass (which was being spun by the resident DJ) puts me into the mood for clear drinks. So I moved over to Chopin Martinis. There were a couple of those. Then another Guinness showed up when rounds were bought. Followed by a Sapphire Tonic and other drinks/shots. All served up by a very kawaii bartender who hails from Eastern Europe. She just got hired a few weeks back! Must visit out there soon…

Hmm. I think i take better photos inebriated…
All of this wrecked me around 0330 while in the four-point stance against the wall in the Denny’s men’s room. At least I know that my aim is good…and I didn’t drive. And the next morning, there was Country Fried Steak and biscuits in a styrofoam take-out in the fridge.

43 Sixth Street
San Francisco 94103

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