New Line in Tokyo! With Wi-Fi!

There’s a new train line in Tokyo!
The Tsukuba Express begins in Akihabara and ends in the college town of Tsukuba, some 35 miles northeast of Tokyo. Here’s some english info.
Why is this important? Well, one of the stops it makes is Minami-Senju, the JR/Subway stop where the Juyoh, the New Koyo and other low-cost lodgings are clustered around. That means convenience!
But what’s really cool is that the train cars and five of the stations have Wi-Fi! It’s on a trial basis for now and I’m not sure how much this will cost, but it demonstrates that it is possible.
Of course, in San Francisco, this technology will probably be implemented after we get cell phone coverage in the trains and stations.
Maybe in the year 2100. How “progressive”!

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