Baseball beer here and there

Part of the fun of going to a baseball game in Japan is appreciating the differences in how the game is enjoyed compared to back home.
For example, let’s look at the consumption of beer or “ビール” as it is known over there. For example, at PacBellPark, where the SF Giants lose play, the beers are close to US$9.00 for a small cup, the kind of beer dependent on where in the park you buy it. Some of the kiosks sell PBR and Bud for that price and others sell Sierra and other microbrews. Best to hunt around because I’m not going to pay THAT price for PBR!!
An example of the lack of service culture that pervades the west is that you have to get up from your seat and actually hunt down a kiosk that sells your particular brand of tipple, thus missing the game from the comfort of your seat. Did I mention the 7th inning cutoff? No more beer after the 7th inning. BS!

“hey there, you KNOW you’re thirsty! You want a Suntory MaltS!”
Compare this attitude with how beer is served at Tokyo Dome, home of the Yomuri Giants. Unlike in the US where you have to get up and miss the game, annoy other patrons and risk spillage to get a beer, in Tokyo, the beer comes to you. The Tokyo Dome beer girls, each one representing a different brand (Kirin, Asahi, Sapporo, Suntory, Yebisu plus Coca-Cola beverages and others) work the aisles, hawking beers, beverages and snacks that can be thrown. All the major brands are represented by these girls who use minikegs worn like backpacks to dispense beer. How refreshingly progressive!

Besides beer, the girls have snacks too.

Make it Suntory time! Try getting THAT at a MLB game in the US…

This was the first beer of the night for me…a Kirin!

…must concentrate…
There’s other silliness that happened at the game that will be written about later!

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