Goin soon

So that “good chance” I wrote about down below became a done deal as I’m off on Sunday to Europe for two weeks.
My first trip there.
I’m usually nervous when I click “purchase” to buy the outrageously expensive ticket from UA. But to be fair, they were the cheapest for this trip.
Then as the departure date gets closer, the anticipation builds up. It’s an adventure! And when I’m finally on the plane, I’m thinking “are we there yet?” as I while away time in steerage-plus.
But all the important things are done. Lodging in London and Paris has been arranged, I bought my Eurostar ticket and I tracked down the Citibank branches for money once I land.
Since this is Euroland, where the US greenback has taken a beating, it’s hella important more than my Asia travel to make sure to bring everything I need with me because unlike Asia, stuff in Europe is hella expensive.
And you need to buy close to $200 worth of goods in one place to get a VAT refund. Bloody socialists…

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