Glutton for Punishment

I seem to be a glutton for punishment.
I woke up @ 0730 yesterday. Worked. Flew all night (slept fitfully for 3.5 hours) and went on all day until after midnight. So with my really bad SF public school math, I figure that�s about 39 hours up going non stop. My eyes were really red. OTOH, I slept like a log.
Now the weirdness of all this is that this is almost exactly the same thing that happened when I returned from NRT. Except that was a 8 hour flight over the date line. Can ANYBODY explain how that works??
It was an incredibly full day yesterday. Landed @ 0645 @ EWR. Wound up taking an Olympia Trails basi to Penn Station. Should have looked at the train schedule going into town (the schedule posted on the net is all old) before getting basi tickets, but was hungry and cold. Went straight to the Parker Meridian to Norma�s for breakfast. Although breakfast for two costs as much as a good dinner (it�s breakfast, for heaven�s sake), it�s REALLY GOOOD BREAKFAST! Fresh squeezed OJ & little individual French Presses for yummy coffee. Do it and then eat cheaply for the rest of the day. Have a slice of pizza for dinner. Just eat there. If you come during the late morning, you�ll have a bit of a wait, but I�m told that the scenery is supposed to be excellent!
Wandered down to Battery Park where we found out the Statue of Liberty �has been closed since 9-11″.
(begin political rant)
Fricking terrorists. Kill them all. Deal out to them what they have dealt out to thousands all over the world & at the WTC. Treat them how they treat their victims. That�s the only language they are intelligent enough to understand. Send Arafat�s daughter on a suicide mission. No wait, they won�t. They�ll get those who feel they have no hope to do their crap. Geez.
(end rant)

So to check out how the harbor still looks like, we decide to take the Staten Island Ferry for the tour of the harbor. It was hella cold but it looked nice. I fell asleep on the ride back to Manhattan. How embarrassing.
Puttered up the South Street district, saw the NYC Police Museum, went to Chinatown and ate at the only Ajisen in the US. Ate and checked into the Hudson. Hung out there and met up with my friend Annie and her husband Jesse. Had Thai food and then three hours of the Sopranos. Great, Another show to follow.
NYC Tip #1: Get a NYC Subway Fun Pass. It�s $4/day. Unlimited use of the MTA until midnight that day. Consider that you drop $1.50 each time you go through a turnstile, you recoup your cost after 4 trips. And Manhattan is so big and so full of stuff, you will go through many turnstiles.

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