Boring Stuff, Nothing of note to Report

…so not a lot of update-worthy stuff happening.

Unlike my fren DSD, who took the plunge and moved to London on a UK working holiday visa (Why we dun get those here, I’ll never understand. Must be a union thing), I’ve been up to ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that’s worth recording in photo or in words.

Over the next few weeks, here’s what’s up with me (as of 1 June):
Fix my black car’s headliner Done!
Fix the washing machine (stupid electrical stuff) Done!
Begin replacing windows in one of the buildings Signed Paperwork to authorise work
Begin backyard renovation (a lot of weeds to pull)
Begin hunting for new used couch & chair
Begin cleaning out the garage
Explore bathroom remodel
Explore repainting the house

You will notice that NONE of these things involve travel, EQM or flirting with SQ girls. How boring!  I did take a brief roadtrip to the Napa Valley and paid a return visit to the Silver Oak Winery. You will recall, last time I made the trip up there was for the February winter release party that was to be the last one there because they’re tearing down the old, fire damaged building.  I found out on my recent visit that Silver Oak will continue to have release parties in Oakville. But the question is, how?

The temporary (2 years!) headquarters of Silver Oak. This is it.

It has a purty parking lot though. Wonder how they’re going to pull it off?

One Reply to “Boring Stuff, Nothing of note to Report”

  1. Hello! I was just at the Tate Modern last week and photography wasn’t allowed in some of the halls too…
    Well, hope you get all your non-travel stuff done then you can do all the travel stuff soon! Come visit me!
    Or we can meet halfway in NYC…flights from London to NYC aren’t too expensive and i’d like to go!

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