Bad day for Customer Service

I returned from LA tonight.
It was not without mishap though. Follow.
First, got to LAX an hour before my flight was to leave. That’s what you’re supposed to do, right?
There was no one in the terminal except for the people who were on my flight. They filled up 1/3 of the plane when we finally got boarded.
This fact is important because it was a VERY unbusy day at LAX today. And despite that, my flight was STILL delayed.
Yes, the idiots who run UA have found another way to be late, even if there’s no reason to be.
“they’re bringing the plane from the hangar”.
That’s it. I mean, it’s not busy, it’s not crowded and the plane is not broken. Gotta love Union workers! They friggin’ suck. This is why UA is going down the toilet. That and the overpaid executive board. And since they’re “union owned”, this explains why they suck so badly.
Then, there’s more!
We finally get into SFO and to the Airport BART station (another Union racket, errr operation). We wait for 15 minutes for the train and get on board. Then we wait while the train’s doors open and close.
And open
and close
and open
and close.
This kept on for at least 5 minutes. Then the announcement that all San Francisco transit victims dread:
“This train is going out of service”.
Once we disembark, the muffled PA (who sounds like she’s making the announcement with a Midas muffler in her mouth) creaks that the replacement train is on the third track. So everyone who’s been waiting to get on the train hauls ass up and down the stairs to get to the train who makes the announcements SEVEN times that he’s closing the doors.
And then does it five more times.
Finally get to South City and my car. Hungry. Go to In n Out.
At In n Out, I’m rendered invisible as the girl who is supposed to be taking orders uses her laservision to look through me to acknowledge one of her “peeps” and takes my order only after I use the LAPD “growl of death” to inquire if she is taking orders for food.
Sheesh. A bad day for customer service…

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