Forgot one thing…


You need your passport to go ANYWHERE around here. And that’s kinda cool.
I just have to remember to bring it with me. Ana sent me an SMS when I was on the MTR pulling into Wan Chai.


Yes, I forgot my passport. Geez. At least I’m only one stop out. Back to Causeway Bay…

Off to Macau!

So I finally wake up, SMS Ana and get my butt out to the Causeway Bay MTR. We’re going to Macau today, meeting at the HKG-Macau Ferry Terminal in Sheung Wan, which also happens to be the terminus of the Island Line. Verrry convenient.

I finally got my go bag set up. It has the tourbook, cameras (digital & film), notebook (the paper kind), Clie and whatever I pick up on my travels. I think I have everything now.
I’m outta here!

yay, off the plane!

So we finally land. Whoo hooo!
But now it takes time to get off the plane since I and others are in the back end of the plane.
Passport Control (a very long wait).
Get the luggage (sort of a wait).
Customs (pretty quick).

Wonder why it takes so long for the bags to show up? I mean, you wait for a realllly long time for Passport Control. You would figure that the ground crew would use that time to get the checked bags onto the carousel so they would be ready for people to pick up.

UA (lack of)Food and Entertainment

Well, the food is palatable. The cup ramen they serve for a snack is not. UA branded “instant noodles”.  So I brought 5 Shin Cups for myself and the others.

Yummy. Spicy. Yummy.

Oh did I mention? UA no longer serves Coke. Seems that they got some big contract with Pepsi to fly their bigshots around. In exchange, they stopped serving Coke and started serving Pepsi. Eeeeyuck.

Now about the entertainment on UA. Politically correct drivel. Awful.
I do not want to watch kid and chick flicks over the course of this flight. I guess that since they cannot serve peanuts and they do not serve Coke, they will not show anything fun or interesting.

But I do have an ace up my sleeve. I have my PowerBook and I have the Scorpion King on DVD. Talk about the polar opposite of Like Mike, eh? And Kelly Hu is a LOT easier on the eyes than Lil Bow Wow.

Off to HK in UA steerage. Ugh.

So we take off and I’m in row 52.
Yes, five-two. That is deep deep steerage on a 747. Notice the end of the plane here.
This is relevant because I am on UA and these rows are NOT Economy Plus. And on top of it all, I have someone annoying next to me. Oh the joys of steerage.

IMG 3916
Not a lot of happy people here, myself included.

This is going to be a long flight.